$693 p/w Low Rent Butcher in Springvale

Business ID : 12843779


$693 p/w Low Rent Butcher in Springvale
Listing No #12843779
* Located in Springvale
* Taking $30,000 per week
* Rent $693 per week
* New Lease
* Fitted with coolroom
* Stable customer base
* Suitable for family to run
Price $328,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #12843779
* 位於Springvale
* 周入$30,000
* 租金平宜, $693 / 周
* 新租约, 带冷库库
* 大量稳定客户
* 适合188投资移民
* 适合家庭经营

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

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