$588 PW Low Rent Chinese Takeaway in Burwood

Business ID : 3315603


$588 PW Low Rent Chinese Takeaway in Burwood
Listing No #3315603
* Located in Burwood main road position
* Close to Deakin University
* Taking $4,000 per week
* Low rent $588 per week
* Shop size 60m2, seats 12
* 2 owner parking space available
* Commercial kitchen, fully equipped
* Stable customer base
* Possibly to change to any kind of food business
* Potential to grow
Price $80,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3315603
* 位于Burwood
* 近Deakin大学
* 位於主干道, 电车站附近
* 周入$4,000
* 低租$588/周
* 店大60坪, 坐位 12
* 带2私人车位
* 设备齐全
* 稳定客源, 潜力大
* 可改任何餐飲
售 $8万

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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