Business ID : 3422393
Sale $330,000
Large Charcoal Chicken Business Near Greensborough | TKG 15K PW
Listing No #3422393
* Chicken bar business for sale
* Located near large shopping centre, close to Greensborough
* Taking approx. $15,000 per week
* Rent $940 per week plus GST
* Open 7 days
* Shop size 60m2
* Fitted with commercial kitchen
* New 5 years lease
* Equipment are in good condition
* Price $330,000
编号 #3422393
* 位於Greensborough
* 邻近大型购物中心
* 周入$15,000
* 租金$940/周 + GST
* 开七天, 店大60m2
* 商用厨房
* 全新5年租约
* 装修佳, 设备齐
售 $33万