Business ID : 3422241
Sale $150,000
Brunswick Chinese Takeaway | Low Rent $577 PW
Listing No #3422241
* Chinese takeaway business for sale
* Located near Brunswick
* Taking approx. $10,000 per week
* Rent $577 per week
* Shop size 70m2
* Fitted with a cool room
* Selling since vendor has other business to operate
Price $150,000
编号 #3422241
* 外卖生意出售
* 位於Brunswick
* 主路位置, 人流多
* 周入$10,000
* 周租 $577
* 店大70m2
* 设备齐全, 带有冷冻库
* 东主另有生意
* 适合夫妻经营
售 $15万