Business ID : 3420826
Clayton Cafe Restaurant Chattel and Equipment Sale | Comfortable Interior
Listing No #3420826
* Cafe business chattel and equipment sale
* Located in Clayton industrial area
* Shop size 120m2
* Good size dining area
* Seating indoor 40, outdoor 8
* Lease 3+3+3
* Reasonable rent
* Shop is fitted with well equipped commercial kitchen
* Low in overhead cost
* Low in immediate competition, loyalty customer base
* Plenty of parking space in front of the business
* Ideal to change to other type of eatery
Price $99,000
租约设备转让 Clayton 工厂区咖啡餐厅*F
编号 #3420826
* 咖啡餐厅 租约设备转让
* 位於Clayton 工厂商业区
* 店大120m2, 店内装修舒适
* 坐位 室内40, 室外8
* 租约3+3+3
* 租金合理
* 带商用厨房, 设备完善
* 支出低
* 竞争少, 熟客多
* 店前大量停车
* 适合改成其他餐饮
售 $9万9