Commercial Kitchen Equipment & Domestic Kitchen Appliances Retailer Business

Business ID : 3435461

Sale $700,000

Listing No #3435461
* Commercial Kitchen equipment & domestic kitchen appliances retail business for sale
* Located in Melbourne
* Direct import with partial own branding products
* Potentials for buyer to develop their own brand
* Database will be provided
* Selling due to retirement
* High profit margin
Price 700,000 included high valued stocks

商用厨具及家用厨房设备入口生意 | 毛利高 发展潜力巨大
编号 #3435461
* 商用厨具及家用厨房设备生意 出售
* 位於 墨尔本
* 设备入口及门店销售, 带自营名牌
* 可自营品牌
* 发展潜力巨大
* 提供全套入口资料丶销售业务发展及客户名单
* 东主已做多年,退休诚让
* 毛利率高
售 $70万

Agent: Ricky Chan

  • Office : 0472 768 606
  • Mobile : 0430 822 612

Ricky is the director and office in effective control of ARM Real Estate & Business. Ricky has been successfully selling…
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