Business ID : 3435806
Sale $99,000
Listing No #3435806
* Fish and chips business for sale
* Located in Bayside
* Long standing business
* Local customer based, high profit margin
* Taking approx. $7,000 – $8,000 per week
* Rent $918 per week
* Fitted with cool room
* Suitable for family to operate
Price 99,000
Bayside 鱼薯店 | 15年老店 全西人客户 毛利高
编号 #3435806
* 鱼薯店 生意出售
* 位於 Bayside
* 15年老店
* 全西人客户, 毛利高
* 周营业额 约 $7,000 – $8,000
* 周租金 $918
* 带冷冻库
* 适合家庭经营
售 $99,000