Box Hill Chinese Restaurant Chattel And Equipment Sale | Near New Shop Fit-outs

Business ID : 3439319

Sale $99,000

Listing No #3439319
* Chinese restaurant chattel and equipment sale
* Located in the heart of Box Hill
* Near new shop fit-outs
* Reasonable rent
* Fully fitted commercial kitchen and cool room
* Seats 40
* Ideal to convert to other type of eatery
* Suitable for experienced operator
Price $99,000

Box Hill 中餐 租约设备转让 | 装修精致 设备齐全
编号 #3439319
* 中餐 租约设备转让
* 位於 Box Hill 中心
* 中式餐馆, 设备齐全
* 合理周租
* 装修精致
* 全套商业厨房, 冷房
* 可做任何餐饮
* 需有餐饮经验者
* 需到公司面谈
售 $99,000

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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