Business ID : 3318019
Sale $280,000
Malvern Chinese Restaurant | Fully Managed
Listing No #3318019
* Chinese restaurant business for sale
* Located in Malvern
* Taking approx. $12,000 per week
* Rent approx. $1,100 per week
* Attached with 3 rooms dwelling
* Large shop front, seats 60
* Fitted with commercial kitchen and cool room
* Under full management
* BYO liquor licensed
* Stable business with local clientele
Price $280,000
编号 #3318019
* 位于Malvern主路
* 周營業額 約 $12,000
* 租金$1,000/周, 带3房
* 店面大, 座位60
* 商用厨房及冷冻房
* 全面管理, 带酒牌
* 全西人客户群, 生意稳定
* 东主回国, 退休必售
售 $28万