Pet Shop Grooming & Retailer

Business ID : 12174631


Listing no. 12174631

* Located in Burwood
* Beautiful setup
* Taking $5,000p/w
* 8 years lease
* Open 6 Days only
* Large premises 100m2
* Owner parking spot available
* Very easy to run
* Huge potential to grow
* Price $150,000

For more information and inspection, please call Sally Low on 0472 768 606

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

編號 12174631

* 位於Burwood主路
* 週入$5,000
* 店面大, 低租金
* 只開6天, 帶車位
* 如加寵物酒店, 生意必增
請電中介Sally Low 0472 768 606

非實境拍攝, 圖片僅供參考

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