Main Road Asian Restaurant

Business ID : 11982148


Listing no. 11982148

* Located in Clayton
* Taking $13,500p/w
* Reasonable rent
* Long lease
* Open 6 days only
* Premises sized 180m2
* 60 seating capacity
* Commercial kitchen & coolroom
* Full liquor licensed
* Owner parking spots available
* Very stable business
* Price $350,000

For more information and inspection, please call Ricky Chan on 0430 822 612

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.


編號 11982148

* 位於Clayton
* 週入$13,500
* 合理租金, 開6天
* 帶商用廚房/冷房
* 租約長, 帶酒牌
* 店面大, 座位60
* 帶4車位, 生意穩定
* 售$35萬
請電中介 Ricky Chan 0430 822 612

非實境拍攝, 圖片僅供參考

Agent: Ricky Chan

  • Office : 0472 768 606
  • Mobile : 0430 822 612

Ricky is the director and office in effective control of ARM Real Estate & Business. Ricky has been successfully selling…
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