Business ID : 3422237
Sale $330,000
Bayswater Industrial Cafe Takeaway | Low Rent
Listing No #3422237
* Located close to Bayswater
* Taking $10,000 per week
* Low rent $620 per week
* Long lease
* Open 5 days only
* Easy to manage
* Very stable business
* High in profit
* First time on market
Price $330,000
编号 #3422237
* 近Bayswater
* 位於工厂区
* 周入$10,000
* 低租金$620/周
* 租约长, 只开5天, 高利
* 轻松高利润, 生意稳定
* 可一人打理, 也可夫妻经营
* 首次上市, 难得机会