Business ID : 3411135#
Sale $66,000
Asian Eatery in Caulfield Chattel & Equipment Sale | Near New Fit-outs, Suitable to Convert
Listing No #3411135
* Asian eatery chattel & equipment sale
* Located in Caulfield
* Great location, high traffic area
* Rent $670 +GST
* Lease 2+4+4
* 2 storey, with 3 bedroom upstairs
* Seating 50
* Very new fit-outs
* Suitable to convert to other type of eatery
Price $66,000
租约设备转让 Caulfield 亚洲餐 | 极新装修 可改任何餐饮 位置佳*F
编号 #3411135
* 亚洲餐生意 租约设备转让
* 位於 Caulfield
* 坐落於 Glen Huntly Road 上,
* 位置佳, 电车, 人流, 车流多
* 周租 $670 + GST
* 租约 2+4+4
* 坐位 50
* 双层, 楼上带三住房
* 极新装修
* 可改任何歺饮
仅售 $ 6万6