Business ID : 12100124
Listing no. 12100124
* Main road position in Camberwell
* Rent $1,288p/w
* 10 years long lease
* Large premises 180m2
* 70 seating capacity
* Commercial kitchen
* Owner parking spots available
* Liquor licensed
* Price $49,000
For more information and inspection, please call Ricky Chan on 0430 822 612
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
編號 12100124
* 位於Camberwell繁忙主路
* 週租$1,288
* 長租約10年, 帶酒牌
* 商用廚房, 帶2車位
* 店面大180m2, 座位70
* 售$4萬9
請電中介Ricky Chan 0430 822 612
非實境拍攝, 圖片僅供參考