Asian Restaurant in Ringwood| TKG 12K| Seating 96

Business ID : 3389739

Sale $300,000

Asian Restaurant in Ringwood| TKG 12K| Seating 96
Listing No #3389739
* Asian restaurant business for sale
* Located in Ringwood, next to public transport
* Plenty of parking spaces
* Taking $12,000 per week, taking can reach $16,000 during high season
* Rent $1150 per week
* Lease 3+5+5
* Shop size 250m2
* Seating 96
* Fitted with commercial kitchen and cool room
* Newly renovated
* Suitable in converting to other type of eatery
Price $300,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3389739
* 亚洲餐馆生意出售
* 位於Ringwood车站旁, 大量车位
* 周营业额 $12,000
* 租金约$1150/周
* 租约3+5+5
* 店大250m2, 坐位96
* 全套商用厨房, 冷库
* 新装修
* 可改其它类型餐馆
* ARM实力生意独家出售
售 $30万

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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