Asian Supermarket Business for Sale – In South Eastern Suburb, Taking $180K PW

Business ID : 3382739

Sale $3,900,000

Asian Supermarket Business for Sale – In South Eastern Suburb, Taking $180K PW
Listing No #3382739
* Asian supermarket business for sale
* Located in South Eastern Suburb, Melbourne
* Taking $180,000 per week
* Cheap rent
* Long lease
* High profit margin, can be fully managed
* Very large product ranges including vegetable, fruit, seafood, grocery and more
* Shop size 2000m2
* Lots of parking spaces for shoppers
* Great opportunities!
Price $3,900,000

* 大型华人超市生意出售
* ARM实力地产 独家上市
* 位於墨尔本, 东区
* 周入$180, 000
* 房租低
* 租约长
* 利润高, 可全管理
* 占地约2000坪
* 大量停车位
* 蔬菜水果海鲜熟食一应俱全
* 好处不能尽录, 看店请预约
* 详情请到公司面谈, 恕电话不能介绍
售 $390万


Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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