Box Hill Asian Restaurant Chattel & Equipment Sale | Shop Size 180m2, Seats 68

Business ID : 3430857

Sale $130,000

Listing No #3430857
* Asian restaurant chattel & equipment sale
* Located in Box Hill
* Reasonable rent
* Shop size 180m2
* Seats 68
* Shop is fitted with commercial kitchen
* Near new equipment
* Very busy area
* Suitable for experienced operator
Price $130,000

Box Hill 亚洲餐设备转让 | 合理租金 设备极新 商业厨房
编号 #3430857
* 亚洲餐设备转让
* 位於 Box Hill 中心
* 合理租金
* 店大180m2
* 座位 68, 布局合理
* 带商业厨房
* 设备极新
* 必须有餐饮经验
* 适合扩店用途
* 面談
售 $13万

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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