Busy Backpacker Hostel at Spencer Street

Business ID : 12624665


Busy Backpacker Hostel at Spencer Street
Listing No #12624665

* Located at Spencer street
* 13 minutes walk to Southern Cross train station
* Taking $13,800 per week
* Very reasonable rent with very long lease
* 98 beds
* Under fully management
* At least 90% occupancy rate
* Taking $715,000 per annum
Price $750,000

For more information and inspection, please call Sally Low on 0472 768 606

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #12624665

* 位於Spencer Street, 位置优越
* 步行13分钟至Southern Cross火车站
* 租金$150,000+GST
* 长租约
* 周入$13,800
* 98 个床位
* 东主不做, 全面管理
* 一年入住率高逹9成
* 年营业额$715,000
* 售75万

请电中介Sally Low 0472 768 606

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

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