Business ID : 3428936
Listing No #3428936
* Lotto business for sale
* Located in Caulfield
* 30 years long standing business
* Newly renovated
* Lotto commission $160,000 per annum
* Other shop sale approx. $150,000 per year
* Require one person to operate, easy to manage
* Highly profitable
* Selling due to retirement
* Quick return in capital
Price $190,000
Caulfield 30年彩票老店 | 只需1人操作 利润高
编号 #3428936
* 彩票店生意出售
* 位於 Caulfield
* 30年老店
* 全新装修
* 年彩票佣全$160,000
* 店铺其他收入约 $150,000 /年
* 只需1人操作, 简单易做
* 本少利润高
* 老板退休特价出售
* 回本快!
售 $19万