Business ID : 3438032
Sale $150,000
Listing No #3438032
* Busy Chinese restaurant business for sale
* Located in Melbourne CBD
* Taking approx. $20,000 per week
* Rent $3186 +GST
* Seats 80
* Fully quipped
* Fitted with coolroom
* Ideal to convert to other type of eatery
Price $150,000
市中心 繁忙中餐出售 | 坐位 80 设备齐全 周营业额 20K *C#
编号 #3438032
* 繁忙中餐 生意出售
* 位於墨尔本市中心
* 营业额 约 $20,000 /周
* 租金 $3186 +GST /周
* 坐位 80
* 设备业全
* 带冷库
* 欢迎预约看店
* 适合改其他类型餐饮
售 $ 15万