Milk Bar & Fish & Chips Business Near Berwick | TKG Up to $22K PW

Business ID : 3422680

Sale $458,000

Near Berwick Milk Bar & Fish & Chips Business | TKG Up to $22K PW
Listing No #3422680
* Milk bar and fish and chips business for sale
* Located in South Eastern suburb, near Berwick
* Situated next to school
* Taking up to $22,000 per week
* Rent $1073 per week with long lease
* 4 bedroom dwelling in good condition
* Shop size 100m2
Price $458,000

近Berwick 奶吧鱼薯店 - 周入2万2
编号 #3422680
* 奶吧鱼薯店 生意出售
* 位於墨尔本, 靠近 Berwick
* 位于小区, 旁边学校
* 周入$22,000
* 周租 $1073, 长租约
* 带4个住房, 条件优越
* 店大100m2
售 $45万8

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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