Business ID : 3381271
Chinese Postnatal Meal Preparation Business for Sale – TKG $8K PW, Rent $439+GST PW
Listing No #3381271
* Chinese postnatal meal preparation business for sale
* Located in Melbourne
* Taking $8400 per week
* Rent $439 per week +GST
* Current customer pre order to June
* Low competition market with great potential
Price $120,000
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
编号# 3381271
* 月子餐生意出售
* ARM实力生意独家代理
* 位於墨尔本
* 生意额每周$8,400
* 租金$439/周 +GST
* 大量客户, 目前订单已排到6月中
* 市场潜力大, 竞争少
* 品牌口碑好
售 $12万
非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考