Malvern Busy Chinese Restaurant | 2 Storey, Dinner Trading Only, Liquor licensed

Business ID : 3393677

Sale $120,000

Listing No #3393677
* Chinese restaurant business for sale
* Located in Malvern
* Taking approx. $11,000 per week
* Rent $903 per week
* Shop size 150m2, 2 Storey building
* More seating can be added upstairs or turn into private rooms
* Shop is fitted with cool room and fully equipped commercial kitchen
* Only open for dinner trading
* Not using any delivery platform
* Local customer base
* Liquor licensed
* Business is easy to run
Price $120,000

Malvern | 中餐馆 两层高 西人熟客多 仅做晚市周入1.1 w
编号 #3393677
* 中餐馆生意出售
* 位於西人区Malvern
* 周营业额 $11,000
* 合理租金 $903/周
* 店大150m2, 两层高
* 楼上可加坐位或包厢
* 仅做晚市时段
* 沒有送歺平台
* 全套商业厨房, 冷库
* 西人熟客居多
* 带酒牌
* 操作简单, 可教学
售 $12万

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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