Clayton 5 Nights Trading Pizza Shop | Low Rent $500 PW, 10 Years Long Lease

Business ID : 3429260

Sale $180,000

Listing No #3429260
* Pizza takeaway business for sale
* Located in Clayton
* Business open 5 night a week
* Very short working hours, 22 hours per week
* 2 bedroom dwelling, rooms can be rent out
* 10 years long lease
* Rent $500 per week
* Taking $8,500 per week
* Great profit on financial statement
* Not using delivery platform yet
* Vendor has been in business for 26 years, selling due to retirement
Price $180,000

Clayton 带住房比萨店 | 开5晚 10年租约 周租$500
编号 #3429260
* 比萨店生意出售
* 位於 Clayton
* 生意只开5个晚上, 周做22小时
* 超平宜租金 $500/周
* 周营业额 约 $8,500
* 10年长租约
* 带两住房, 出租租金可达 $450/周
* 报表利润高
* 无使用平台送餐
* 东主已做26年, 退休诚让
售 $18万

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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