Clayton Furniture and Electronics Retail Business for Sale | Annual Turnover $2.4 Million

Business ID : 3414760

Sale $800,000

Clayton Furniture and Electronics Retail Business for Sale | Annual Turnover $2.4 Million
Listing No #3414760
* Clayton Furniture and Electronics retail business for sale
* Situated in Clayton
* Annual turnover $2.4 million
* Large floor size for the showroom, also rent a warehouse for stocks
* Good profit margin
* Sale includes two trucks
* Good profitable business
Price $800,000

Clayton 家具店生意出售 | 利润高 年营业额240万 机会难逄 *C
编号 #3414760
* 家具店生意出售
* 位於墨尔本东南区 Clayton
* 年营业额约$240万, 毛利高
* 店面大, 另设仓库
* 包两台车
* 市场罕见赚钱生意
* 机会难逄
售 $80万

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