Coburg Noodle Bar | Located In Shopping Village Near Supermarket, Ample of Parking

Business ID : 3419493

Sale $69,000

Listing No #3419493
* Noodle bar business for sale
* Located in Coburg
* Great location with plenty of traffic and parking spaces
* Situated near supermarket
* Clean and modern shop fit-outs
* Vendor provided taking $7,000 to $8,000 per week
* Rent $1297 per week including outgoings plus GST
* Long lease
* Shop size 80m2
* Shop is fitted with cool room and a commercial kitchen
* Business is easy to manage and vendor can provide training to buyer
* Stable customer base
Price $69,000

Coburg 粉面外卖店 | 理想位置 大型超市旁 大量停车
编号 #3419493
* 粉面外卖店 生意出售
* 位於 Coburg
* 理想位置, 商圏内, 大型超市旁 大量停车位
* 装修整洁明亮
* 东主提供营业额: 约 $7,000 – $8,000/周
* 合理租金 $1297/周 +GST, 包括outgoings
* 租约长
* 店大约 80m2, 带少量坐位
* 带冷房, 商业厨房
* 好打理, 可教学
* 稳定客源
售 $6万9

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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