Convenience Store & Fish & Chips Business for Sale | Western Suburb, TKG $15K, Shop size 200m2

Business ID : 3414098

Sale $200,000

Convenience Store & Fish & Chips Business for Sale | Western Suburb, TKG $15K, Shop size 200m2
Listing No #3414098
* Convenience Store / Fish & Chips business for sale
* Located in Western suburbs
* Taking $15,000 per week
* Low rent $923 per week plus GST
* Huge premises sized 200m2
* With 3 bedrooms dwelling
* Low in competition
* Stable customer base
* Possibility to purchase the premises
Price $200,000

生意出售 西区 | 鱼薯便利店 周入$1万5
编号 #3414098
* 鱼薯便利店生意出售
* 位于西区
* 周入$15,000
* 租金$923 per week +GST
* 店面大气宽敞200m2
* 带3住房2卫浴
* 无竞争, 大量客源
* 可连物业一同出售, 售价详谈
售 $20万

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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