Fish and Chips Business near Bentleigh East – Urgent Sale!

Business ID : 3315180


Fish & Chips Business near Bentleigh East – Urgent Sale!
Listing No #3315180
* Fish and chips business for sale
* Located near Bentleigh East
* Great location, situated in high foot traffic area
* Reasonable rent and long lease
* Attached with 1 bedroom residence
* Taking was $12,000 per week when currently owner took over
* Current taking $3,500 per week due to poor management
* Large shop front
* Fitted with sound equipment
* Shop size 80m2
* Urgent sale!
Price $30,000

For more information and inspection, please call Cathy Jiang on 0472 718 616

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3315180
* 鱼薯店生意出售
* 靠近Bentleigh East
* 位置佳, 人流旺
* 合理租金, 长租约
* 现东主接手时, 周入1万2/周
* 经营不善, 目前周入$3,500
* 带1住房
* 店面宽敞, 明亮
* 设备新, 齐全
* 店大80m2
* 东主188A, 已拿身份, 急售!
售 $3万

请电中介 Cathy Jiang 0472 718 616

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

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