Business ID : 3412312
Sale $70,000
Hampton Busy Fish & Chips/ Cafe | Located Near Public Transport, Rent $758 PW
Listing No #3412312
* Fish and chips retail business for sale
* Located at the intersection of Hampton East and Moorabbin train station
* Surrounded by offices
* High traffic area
* Plenty of parking spaces
* Busy afternoon and night trading
* Taking approx. $7,000 per week
* Rent $758 per week plus GST
* Shop size 90m2
* Seats 12
* Lease 5+5
* Fitted with cool room and freezer room
* Low in expenses, business is easy to run
* Newly renovated kitchen
* Vendor can provide training
Price $70,000
Hampton East 非常繁忙鱼薯店 | 周入上万 仅售 $ 7万
编号 #3412312
本鱼薯店交接于 Hampton east 和 Moorabbin火车站,周边office 车行以及市政大楼围绕,午市+晚上均非常繁忙
*西人区 生意稳定 无季节影响
*周入7,000, 利润好
* 坐位 12
*业主有20年经验, 可教学
售 $ 7万