Hawthorn Cafe Business For Sale | 5 Days Trading, Near Uni, Seats 50

Business ID : 3434413


Listing No #3434413
* Cafe for sale
* Located in Hawthorn
* Situated near university
* Taking approx. $10,000 per week
* Reasonable rent including outgoings
* Fitted with kitchen, seats 50
* 8 year lease
* Suitable to convert to other type of restaurant
* Online platforms can be added to increase sales
Price 120,000

Hawthorn 咖啡店 | 靠近大学 只开5天 坐位50 租金合理
编号 #3434413
* 咖啡店 生意出售
* 位於 Hawthorn
* 5天營業
* 近大学, 大量老师及学生生意
* 周营业额 约 $10,000
* 租金合理, 包括outgoings
* 带厨房, 坐位50
* 8年租约
* 适合改其它餐饮: 奶茶店, 烤肉店等等
* 可加开平台外卖
售 $12万

Agent: Ricky Chan

  • Office : 0472 768 606
  • Mobile : 0430 822 612

Ricky is the director and office in effective control of ARM Real Estate & Business. Ricky has been successfully selling…
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