Highly Profitable Fish & Chips Business Near Aspendale

Business ID : 3324761

Sale $550,000

Highly Profitable Fish & Chips Business Near Aspendale
Listing No #3324761
* Excellent location near Aspendale
* Taking $17,000 per week
* Reasonable rent
* Long lease
* Fitted with commercial kitchen & coolroom
* 2 owner parking spots
* With 3 bedrooms residence
* Huge premises 200m2
* Same owner for 10 years
* Very stable business
Price $550,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3324761
* 位於南区,优越位置
* 靠近Aspendale
* 周入$17,000
* 带3房及2车位
* 商用厨房及冷房
* 可协助188参与管理
* 轻松拿身分

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

Agent: Ricky Chan

  • Office : 0472 768 606
  • Mobile : 0430 822 612

Ricky is the director and office in effective control of ARM Real Estate & Business. Ricky has been successfully selling…
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