Business ID : 3315290
Korean Chicken Takeaway Business Near Wantirna
Listing No #3315290
* Located near Wantirna
* Taking $15,000 per week
* Reasonable rent
* long lease
* Shop size 45m2
* Fitted with a commercial kitchen
Price $350,000
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
编号 #3315290
* 连锁韩式炸鸡店生意出售
* 靠近Wantirna
* 位於大型商场内
* 周入$15,000
* 租金合理
* 长租约, 店大45m2
* 带商用厨房
* 生意持续增长中
* 适合188/ 夫妻经营
售 $35万
非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考