Business ID : 3422441
Sale $218,000
CBD Busy Korean Fast Food Takeaway Business | Central Location
Listing No #3422441
* Korean takeaway business for sale
* Located at the heart of Melbourne CBD
* Vendor provided taking $15,000 per week
* Rent $1,500 per week
* 10 years long lease
* Shop size 50m2
* Fitted with commercial kitchen
* Large office workers and student customer base
Price $218,000
编号 #
* 韩式外卖生意出售
* 位於 Melbourne 市中心
* 中心地段
* 现周入 $15,000
* 疫情前周入 $35,000
* 租金$1,500/周
* 10年长租约
* 店大50m2
* 商用厨房
* 大量办公楼, 学生客户
售 $21万8