Lotto and Sub Newsagency Near Bentleigh

Business ID : 3351030


Lotto and Sub Newsagency Near Bentleigh
Listing No #3351030
* Located in South Eastern Suburb
* Near Bentleigh
* Low in rent, only $440 per week
* Annual commission $110,000 plus other income
* Shop size 80m2
* Low costing and low risk business
* Suitable for couple to run
Price $280,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3351030
* 位於东南区
* 靠近Bentleigh
* 租金平宜, $440/周
* 年彩票佣金$11万
* 其他收入每周$1300
* 店大80m2
* 成本低, 风险低
* 售价合理, 适合夫妻经营
售 $28万

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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