Business ID : 3318752
Low Rent $587 PW Takeaway Business in Brunswick
Listing No #3318752
* Prime position in Brunswick
* Taking $3,500 per week
* Rent $587.00 per week plus GST and plus outgoings
* Shop size 50m2
* Reasonable lease term
* Ample of parking spaces, shop located near supermarket and bottle shop
* Suitable in converting to kebab, fish and chips, cafe and takeaway
Price $49,000
For more information and inspection, please call Ricky Chan on 0430 822 612
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
编号 #3318752
* 位於Brunswick, 位置极佳
* 周人$3,500
* 租金$587/周
* 租约合理
* 店大约50m2
* 大量停车位, 近超市及酒庄
* 适合经营Kebab, 鱼薯, 咖啡店及外卖
售 $4万9
请电中介 Ricky Chan 0430 822 612
非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考