Low Rent Cafe Business for Sale | Low Rent $550 PW, Inner City Suburb

Business ID : 3405268

Sale $70,000

Low Rent Cafe Business for Sale | Low Rent $550 PW, North West Inner Suburb
Listing No #3405268
* Cafe Business for sale
* Located in North West, inner city suburb
* Situated near train station, main road position, plenty of parking spaces
* Taking $5,000 per week
* Low rent $550 per week
* Shop size 70m2
* Low in competition
* Easy to run business
Price $90,000

西北区 | 特色餐食咖啡店 少竞争 周租$550/周 *F
编号 #3405268
* 咖啡店生意出售
* 位於近城西北区
* 临近火车站及大量车位, 主街位置
* 营业额 $5,000 /周
* 便宜租金 $550 /周
* 店面积 70m2
* 特色餐食, 少竞争
* 好打理, 易上手
售 $ 9万

Agent: Frank Chang

  • Mobile : 0490420077

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