Melbourne CBD Chinese Restaurant

Business ID : 12526309


Listing no. 12526309

* Located in Melbourne CBD
* Close to RMIT University
* Beautiful set up
* Fully managed
* Taking $35,000p/w
* Low rent
* Commercial kitchen
* 40 seating capacity
* Stable customer base
* Massive profit
* Price $650,000

For more information and inspection, please call Cathy Jiang on 0472 718 616

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 12526309
* 位於墨爾本市中心
* 近RMIT大學
* 全經理管理, 裝修精良
* 周入$35,000
* 低租金, 座位40
* 商用廚房, 穩定客源
* 年利潤豐厚
* 售$65万
请电中介Cathy Jiang 0472 718 616

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

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