Mentone Takeaway Chattel & Equipment Sale | Large Premises 250m2, 2 kitchens 2 Coolrooms

Business ID : 3428201

Sale $45,000

Listing No #3428201
* Takeaway Business chattel & Equipment Sale
* Located in Mentone
* 11 years long lease
* Rent $1152 per week
* Shop size 250m2
* 4 private parking spaces
* Shop is fitted with two kitchens, 2 cool rooms
* Plenty of storage spaces, also has office room and shed for additional storage space
* Equipment are near new, well equipped
* Suitable for different kind of eatery such as burger bar, fish and chips, chicken bar or Chinese food.
Price $45,000 +GST

租约设备转让 Mentone | 外卖店设备转让 250m2 前後厨房 2个冷库 售$4万5+GST *C
编号 #3428201
* 外卖 租约设备转让
* 位於 墨尔本 Mentone
* 11年租约
* 租金 $1152 /周, 没有 GST
* 面积250m2, 4个停车位
* 前後厨房, 2个冷库
* 大量存物空间, 带有办公室, 货棚等
* 设备新, 齐全
* 适合改其他餐饮: 炸鸡, 鱼薯, 中餐, 汉堡等
售 $ 4万5 +GST

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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