Business ID : 3358979#
Sale $150,000
Modern Furnished Hair Salon in Greensborough Plaza
Listing No #3358979
* Located in Greensborough plaza
* Taking $480,000 per annum
* Rent $1481 per week
* Reasonable lease term
* Shop size 48m2
* 7 seats plus 2 chairs for hair washing
* Currently owner has been running the business for 12 years
* Stable customer base
* Nicely furnished and decorated
Price $150,000
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
编号 #3358979
* 位於Greensborough 商场
* 年收入$480,000
* 租金$1481/周
* 合理租约
* 店大48m2
* 7个坐位, 2个洗发椅
* 东主已做12年, 客源稳定
* 装修精致, 售价合理
非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考