Business ID : 11930167
Listing no. 11930167
* Located in South Eastern Suburb
* Taking $9,000p/w
* Reasonable rent
* Huge premises 2000m2
* Commercial kitchen
* Cafe, party function room, baby room
* Newest VR games, movie room
* Ample of parking
* Stable customer base
* High profit
* Price $150,000
Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.
編號 11930167
* 位於東南區
* 週入$9,000
* 佔地約2000平米
* 可容納300人以上
* 設派對房間/電影間/幼兒間
* 最新VR遊戲/咖啡室/商用廚房
* 適合小朋友和家長聯誼
* 大量停車位, 可做188
* 售$15萬
非實境拍攝, 圖片僅供參考