Business ID : 3398919
Foodworks /Liquor Store Business in South Eastern for Sale
Listing No #3398919
* Foodworks/ liquor store business for sale
* Located in South Eastern Suburb
* Taking $45,000 per week
* Rent $1348 per week including GST
* Huge premises 300m2
* Shop is fitted with coolroom
* Same owner for 10 years
* Very stable business
* Easy to operate
Price $680,000
东南区酒铺/ Foodworks商店
编号 #3398919
* 酒铺/小型超市生意出售
* 位於东南区
* 营业额 $45,000/周
* 租金便宜 $1348 /周 包括GST
* 店面大300m2
* 同一店主已做10年
* 生意稳定, 操作简单
售 $68万