TKG 12K PW Fish & Chips near Cranbourne for Sale

Business ID : 3321305


TKG 12K PW Fish & Chips near Cranbourne for Sale
Listing No #3321305
* Fish and chips business for sale
* Located near Cranbourne
* Average taking $12,000 per week
* Reasonable rent
* Attached with a 2 rooms residence
* Long lease term
* Large shop front, the shop is well equipped
* Semi managed
* Suitable for family to run
Price $250,000

Photos were not taken at the actual premises, photos are for illustration purpose only.

编号 #3321305
* 靠近Cranbourne
* 平均周入$12,000, 利润高
* 租金合理, 租约长
* 带两住房
* 店面崭新明亮, 设备齐全
* 半管理状态
* 适合家庭经营, 诚让
售 $25万

非实境拍摄, 图片仅供参考

Agent: Brian Chan

  • Office : 0472768606
  • Mobile : 0408018881

Brian is a senior business broker and real estate sales manager with over 5 years experience in listing, selling, managing properties…
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