Business ID : 3422250
Sale $288,000
Caulfield Liquor Licensed Cafe / Restaurant For Sale | Convenience Location
Listing No #3422250
* Cafe / Restaurant business for sale
* Located in Caulfield
* Positioned near train station and Monash University
* Taking approx. $10,000 per week
* Rent $1,000 per week
* Seats 40
* Fitted with commercial kitchen
* Liquor licensed
* Suitable in converting to other food & beverage business
Price $288,000
编号 #3422250
* 位於Caulfield
* 近Monash大学及火车站
* 周入$10,000
* 周租$1000, 座位40
* 带商业厨房
* 带酒牌
* 可改任何餐饮
* 可办188
售 $28万8